Nagasaki, Japan

City of Peace


'Fat man'

On the 9th of August 1945 the atomic bomb called ‘Fat man’ was dropped on the Japanese city of Nagasaki. It was the second nuclear weapon used by the US army to make an end to the Second World War. 40.000 people lost their lives instantly. Burn injuries and radiation killed another 40.000 people in the years after.

A monument marks the spot where the bomb exploded, the hypocenter of the explosion. In nearby Nagasaki Peace Park an impressive 10-meter tall Peace Statue was erected. It is the location of the yearly Peace Memorial celebration on August 9th.


Dutch heritage in Japan



During the Edo period (1603-1868) the shogun decided to lock Japan off from the outside world. A town on the island of Dejima, in the bay of Nagasaki, was allowed to stay open. The settlement was first build for Portugese traders, later the Dutch took over. For more than 200 years it was the only foreign influence in Japan.
